<aside> 🎯

You may often find yourself working with external tools that you're not entirely familiar with. To help you navigate these tools more effectively, this guide will teach you how to create the @askExternalFAQ assistant. This assistant allows you to have conversations with the documentation of any external tool, service or topic.


Step 1: Add the FAQ / Documentation as a Data Source

<aside> ⚠️ You need to be an admin on Dust to be able to add the website.


To enable the assistant to interact with the external FAQ, we first need to ingest it using the Website Connection feature. This process stores the FAQ content in the Dust databases, making it accessible for the assistant to reference and utilize in conversations.

Screen Recording 2024-08-02 at 12.12.16.gif

<aside> 💡 Pro Tips

Step 2: Create the @toolFAQ assistant

<aside> 📄 Template You can use the @askExternalFAQ template to get started.


Screen Recording 2024-08-02 at 11.53.41.gif

Proposed Instructions

*You are an expert on <Name of the service/tool/etc.>.

You have been given access to the help center, and you're able to answer any question I have about how to use the product or troubleshoot a problem. You do not make things up, you provide the answer as it is, and cite the source.*

<aside> 💡 Pro Tips

Step 3: Give the assistant access to the FAQ

Use the search tool and select the website for the FAQ you just ingested.